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The Best One-Minute Life Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier

  Let's learn about some very important and simple life hacks     tricks. I hope you all like it.

 Tie a rubber band inside your pants/shorts pocket to keep your valuables safe while     running:

                                        It's quite dangerous, but works very well!

          When you use your inner innovation power to discover something new:

                              When you don't have a cloth dryer:

                        Coffee filters that help keep flies away from your drink:

     Bread pieces can be a great way to keep your wires clean and organized:

  Place two pieces of bread in the same toaster slot for a completely toasted       sandwich:

  Place your cut shells with lettuce leaves - when that crisp peel inevitably breaks, the lettuce     will prevent everything from being knocked out.

            A very hard knot can be easily removed with the help of two haircuts:

                                                A great way to avoid sound:

  Place plastic cups inside nearby shoes so that the shoes are not damaged and    can be     used for a long time.

                       Applying avocado on a beer quiz can help ripen it quickly.

  With the help of Aluminium leaves, any pan can be made into the perfect shape for your     recipe:

  Apply a few magnets at the base of your drill so that your screw is always       ready       while working:

  If you live in a hotel room where there is no bottle opening device, you can     apply this    door trick:

           Need a simple way not to put your computer in sleeping mode?

                          Stick a watch face under the mouse - don't go into sleeping mode!

                                     Don't you have a private TV on your flight?

                                   Stick your phone in a baggy and hang it on your front tray:

    If your laptop breaks its grip but does all the other things, an old picture frame can provide      simple solutions:

  And a few stick-on hooks on a garbage can will help to lock a plastic grocery bag. You'll save    it in the garbage bag!

                                Ski goggles = no more tears while cutting onions.

                    Turn the hoodie back and you've got the perfect supplies for the food:

  If your plastic bags are too small, you can turn one to the inside of the other and then seal     the two together:

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