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Why are people generally obsessed with the Linux operating system?

Rather than letting go of others. I can't say why anyone uses Linux - but I can say that myself. But I use Linux for all my work. Mobile phones (Android), laptops (Ubuntu), desktops (Ubuntu) - I use Linux everywhere.
Speaking of the details -
  • I'm the owner of my computer - that's how the computer works. And this is what Linux gives me.
  • New or old - can be installed on any type of computer.
  • Anything goes smoothly. No firmware, no driver - just plug-and-play!
  • All my work can be done in it. From document writing, browsing the internet, editing photos, listening to audio, watching videos - even all the simulations I need for my work can be done with ease.
  • It's free - open and demanding. No license or activation code.
  • Give my computer the look I want (GUI).
  • Thousands of different software are easily available for various purposes.
  • The software is also easy to install. No need to click the next button like Windows does.
  • Virus-Antivirus - Don't bother with these words.
  • It's light (low on resources), fast, adaptable, stable and safe. Ever wondered why most of the world's servers or supercomputers run on Linux? Because it's deadly reliable.
  • Windows takes away your personal information and data from the computer (who knows what happens to them! The US government is alleged to have put them in their custody). But in Linux, there is no such possibility

In a nutshell, this is a lot of one-on-one that you can't do!


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