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Which is the most peaceful country in the world and why?

Iceland is the most peaceful country in the world.
As soon as the word 'Iceland' is heard, there is a snowy scene on the head. Maybe something came to mind when you were reading the title of this article. However, in reality it is not; rather, the country is naturally filled with natural ice, even though it looks like a cold place called ice. The natural landscape that we see as a wallpaper on a computer or a mobile screen, is a realistic feature of the country. Iceland is called the most peaceful country in the world. Let's not know the reason.

1. Only 3 lakh and 32,000 people live here in the country. Of these, about 1 lakh 22,000, or about half of them live in the capital of Reykjavík, or in the vicinity of Iceland.
2. Iceland's water is so pure that water is supplied from house to house without any purification process.
3. Iceland is the third-happiest country in the world, according to the world's largest World Happiness Report (UN).
4. Iceland police do not carry guns with them as a weapon. This is because there is very little crime and no major crime is almost non-existent.
5. Iceland is so clear that there are no mosquitoes. Not only mosquitoes, the number of insects that cause human problems is very few.

6. Iceland has no army, navy or air force.
7. Icelanders love to eat ice cream. Even in winter, they eat ice cream, no matter what the temperature.
8. Iceland's most popular foods is the 'hot dog'. It is available everywhere, at restaurants, gas stations or roadside stops.


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