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Some Surprising Facts That You Need To Know About Science

The mass of clouds floating in the sky:

Many of us think clouds are light floating objects like cotton, but not really. The size of a small cloud floating in the sky is much higher than what we see with the naked eye. So its mass is also very high. Such a block of clouds has a mass of more than 100 elephants, or about one million pounds! 

Multiple brain animals:

If the brain is the measure of an animal's intelligence, octopus is the smartest animal. Because they have nine brains! Octopus also has three heart. One is only for the swollen or respiration machine, one is centrally for everything and the other heart is only for the legs of the octopus.

Nail growth:

Even if you don't want to do much more during winter, one thing has to be done, and that's to cut your nails. Because nails grow much faster than other seasons in winter. 

The most powerful organism in the world:

Bacteria are the most powerful organisms in the world. Bacteria are small microorganisms that are not visible to the naked eye, and are the most powerful organisms on earth! Yes friends, if you know its power considering the size, you will also be forced to accept it. So know that a bacteria is capable of carrying 100,000 times more weight than its body weight. 

The most oxygen comes from:

Since childhood, we have been knowing that oxygen, the essential element of survival, comes from trees. We are living in the oxygen produced by the tree in the photosynthesis process. But now you know, half of the oxygen in the earth's atmosphere comes from the sea? Yes friends, the amount of oxygen released into the earth's atmosphere for the benefit of phytoplankton, a small unicellular marine plant living in the sea, is half of the total oxygen.

The amount of bacteria in the human body:

You'll be surprised that your body has 10 times the amount of cells you have! Every human being returns to the sanctuary of one bacteria each! No matter how much soap, spray, hand wash or anti-germ wash you use, it is absolutely impossible for you to get rid of bacteria. But interestingly, almost the whole of these bacteria are beneficial for our body. Not only beneficial, but also essential. It is impossible for us to survive without them. 

 The time period for light to reach our eyes:

The light we see in our eyes is seen as a result of photon particles from the sun. After these photon corners are produced in the center of the sun, it takes about 170,000 years to reach the surface of the sun. And from that surface, it takes only 8 minutes for us to come to the earth and see us. That means the light we see now is built inside the sun more than 2 million years ago. And what is now being built will have to wait for another two hundred thousand years as far as the earth comes.

Total amount of water in the seas:

We have a total of 320 million cubic miles of water in all the seas of the world. This water occupies 71 percent of our entire world. Now if all these sea water is dried up, our crust means 7 continents can lose 500 feet below the amount of salt that will be worn. Now that our Antarctica is covered under the ice, everything will be covered under the wheels of a wet salt. 

Veins in the human body, the length of the veins:

If a person's body can be long-arranged with veins, veins and other blood vessels, it will be 62,000 kilometers long. I mean, you can crush the whole world two and a half times only with your body veins.

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